Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strength tarot

This strength is not of the physical body. This card is one of ideas and beliefs, fortitude of character, the ability to triumph over lower impulses and desires.
Courage and patience abound in this card; the patience of the mother elephant, endless gentleness, protecting her baby. The determination and focused action of the predator. It is not wasted on frivilous things, but only focused on what will truly bring it something it needs for life. The lion can also symbolize the "beast" within that needs taming. The spider web, quiet strength, and the Hurculese moth

Force of true will systematically applied will yield results. Quiet, unstoppable power.

A Course In Miracles perspective.

The Course teaches that when we first start studying we must be very vigilant in focusing on the world of Spirit, seeing past the intriguing world of form. We have been so conditioned to believe in the power of the body and the world, two things that make us feel weak and small, that we must relearn to focus our attention on the internal, non-physiacal realm where our true strength lies waiting.

"There is another way of looking at the world." Lesson 33. ACIM

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Chariot tarot

The Chariot represents force and control, dealing specifically with emotions. This card is about emotional discipline, not repression, but the powers of the mind to shape the desires of the heart, and direct them into meaningful expression. The charioteer will not sweep his emotions under the carpet, but will train them for his own use. Without discipline the horse would run wild and go in whatever direction they choose. Emotions are similar; we need passion to fuel our creative energy, but undisciplined passion leads to chaos.

The sword represents the male principle of action, the lotus the female principle of receptivity - a balance. The moon emotions, the horses passion, and the man logic.

A Course In Miracles perspective.

They extreme ups and downs of our emotions are caused by our inconsistent and often incongruent beliefs warring inside of us. We are unaware of the cause of the disquiet, but feel it keenly. The desire for Love and the fear of Love, if held in the same mind will cause erratic behaviour or feelings, until the beliefs are aligned, consistent behaviour is impossible.

"Everyone makes an ego or a self for himself, which is subject to enourmous variation because of it's instability. He also makes an ego for everyone else he perceives, which is equally variable." Ch 4.ll,2. ACIM

The Devil tarot.

Misunderstood by many, much like the Death card; the Devil makes us uncomfortable and uneasy. We don't like to think of a seed of negativity in people, and so prefer to blame an outside source for our tragedies and suffering, but it is our own negative beliefs and thoughts that attract people, places and things that are a vibrational match to us. This is not punishment, but it can be hard to accept.

The Devil is the ego run riot - fear, judgement and thoughts of separation clouding our perception with untruths and illusions.

In designing this card I wanted to take an unconventional approach, the barbed wire of negative thought bringing us to our knees and keeping us from our true nature which is Love. The flames, not of the proverbial hell, but the torture of hurtful thoughts and stories of past and future injuries, making us fearful of the future or resentful of the past. The cowering woman, portraying the visceral reaction we feel when we are off track, lost in nightmares.

A Course In Miracles Perpective.

""Only Love is strong because it is undivided. The strong do not attack because they see no reason to do so." Ch 12,V,1. ACIM

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune stands beyond our understanding and outside the realm of our control, and yet it's effects are felt in our lives daily. the mechanisms of Destiny and Fate are hidden to us.

The wheel represents the cyclical and repetitive nature of everything; we rise and fall, are born and die, repeating patterns throughout our lives.One person's rise may trigger another's fall. Destiny seems to strike without warning, but perhaps there are clues if you know what to ask and where to look? Each beginning leads to an ending, and vice versa. The Wheel of Fortune card, when picked in a reading means change is coming; often dramatic in nature.

A Course In Miracles Perspective.

There are no absolutes in this relative world, by it's very nature everything changes because this is not God's realm, it is ours, created by our fears, desires and idols. Trying to keep it stable and unchanging is one of our greatest struggles. It will change.

"Nothing real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists,
Herein lies the peace of God. Preface, ACIM

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a difficult card to qualify in words - her power is veiled in mystery and is difficult to fathom. She has wide range of interpretations because she speaks to the unconscious mind, she represents the manifestation of the conscious in every day life. Unlimited potenential, the source of power, balanced between masculine and feminine - she does not integrate opposites, but balances them whilst keeping them whole. She stands balancing thought before the pillars of belief.

If you pick this card ina reading, it urges you to go deep inside in quiet contemplation, to reach and understand your inner ability to transform the outer world.

A Course In Miracles Perspective.

One of the basic principles in A Course In Miracles is that we see our inner world reflected in our outer experience, we are only ever victims of our own thinking. Any profound change can only be made from the inside out.

"Perception is consistent. What you see reflects your thinking." Lesson 130, 1. ACIM

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Lovers tarot

This card is not just about love and sexuality, it is more related to duality, the harmonious joining of opposites. A card of emotions that portrays love as Divinely blessed. Love can ignite the blaze of passion , but it can also consume and destroy if used carelessly. Love is wonderful, but profane or unrequited love can destroy individuals or families - caution is required!

This card illustrates the choice between positive and negative, moral cross roads, considering consequences before actions. When this card appears in a reading. a choice, ethical or romantic is implied.

A Course In Miracles Perspective

The Course emphasizes the ultimate choice between the ego and Spirit. You can only follow one teacher and your life will reflect that choice. Earthly thought creates a life ruled by earthly laws. Spiritual thoughts create a life governed by higher spiritual laws where miracles are possible.

"Your choice is not to seek for love, but to merely seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ACIM

Monday, February 13, 2012

The "Fool" tarot

The Fool is the spark that sets everything else into motion, inspiring the first step towards fulfillment and completion. The first step is the most important step on any journey, but a lot of people are too scared to start. If the Fool card comes your way, this is the message.

The Fool is pure potential, clear and innocent, neither positive nor negative, but containing the potential for both. The Fool's approach to life is a strange and unconventional one, he does what is right for him. The Fool will live his way despite what others may think. He is fearless and true to his own path.

In this card the images represent risk and fearlessness, the tight rope walker and cliff hanger. An upside down perspective, the hand stand. Joyful innocence at play, the child blowing bubbles, and lurking in the corner the social mask that disconnects from the Fool's message.

A Course In Miracles Perspective.

Comparing oneself to others and coming up short is a classic characteristic of the ego. A nagging sense of failure at not achieving the goals of the world and a fear that there's something inherently wrong with you is a classic sign of separation. We are each unique yet equal and our true desires lead us along our path home.

"How instantly the memory of God arises in the mind that has no fear to keep the memory away." CH 28,13. ACIM